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nvi-29-file_backup.patch (1000B)

      1 #! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
      2 ## 29file_backup.dpatch by  <>
      3 ##
      4 ## DP: Save the intermediate CHAR2INT conversion pointer because
      5 ## DP: that pointer is reused by later conversions in calls below.
      7 @DPATCH@
      8 --- nvi-1.81.6.orig/common/exf.c	2009-07-24 11:30:05.962060755 +0200
      9 +++ nvi-1.81.6/common/exf.c	2009-07-24 12:09:57.511311177 +0200
     10 @@ -1092,8 +1092,8 @@
     11  	size_t blen;
     12  	int flags, maxnum, nr, num, nw, rfd, wfd, version;
     13  	char *bp, *estr, *p, *pct, *slash, *t, *wfname, buf[8192];
     14 -	CHAR_T *wp;
     15 -	size_t wlen;
     16 +	CHAR_T *wp, *wp2;
     17 +	size_t wlen, wlen2;
     18  	size_t nlen;
     19  	char *d = NULL;
     21 @@ -1148,8 +1148,13 @@
     22  	} else
     23  		version = 0;
     24  	CHAR2INT(sp, bname, strlen(bname) + 1, wp, wlen);
     25 -	if (argv_exp2(sp, &cmd, wp, wlen - 1))
     26 +	GET_SPACE_RETW(sp, wp2, wlen2, wlen);
     27 +	MEMCPY(wp2, wp, wlen);
     28 +	if (argv_exp2(sp, &cmd, wp2, wlen2 - 1)) {
     29 +		FREE_SPACEW(sp, wp2, wlen2);
     30  		return (1);
     31 +	}
     32 +	FREE_SPACEW(sp, wp2, wlen2);
     34  	/*
     35  	 *  0 args: impossible.